Monday, February 1, 2010

Watch out for green beans

Before children, I always wondered how kids got crayons, food and other items stuck up their nose. At the time, I snickered at the thought. A crayon stuck up a nostril? As if. How does that even happen?

Well, karma can be a bitch. And what you thought was funny before having kids, don't seem so amusing when you do have them in your life. This evening at dinner, darling daughter was more interested in playing with her food than eating it. At one point, she stuck a green bean up her left nostril and it got stuck. Dear husband attempted to get it out and darling daughter began panic and cry. He started to get frustrated that he couldn't fish the green bean out of her nose. Thoughts of taking a panicky, sobbing toddler to the emergency room with a green bean stuck up her nose started fill my head. Luckily, I have more nimble fingers than dear husband's and I was able to rescue the green bean in question. Who knew, that cut up green beans could fit so perfectly in a toddler's nose?

Sadly, for dear daughter, we had a chuckle at her expense. We were more relieved than anything else. Poor little chicken. Gotta watch out for those green beans. They can be dangerous.

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