Thursday, May 28, 2009

On cloud nine

I'm on cloud nine right now. In fact, if I was talented enough I would be doing a happy dance.

Two days ago, I learned that a nearby health care centre was accepting new patients. I am one of those lucky souls who has a family doctor. However, his clinic is an hour away. Plus, if you need to see him, it is almost like getting an audience with the Pope as he only works one day a week now in the office, according to the information I gleamed from the receptionist one day. So unless I already have a regular scheduled appointment with my doctor, I am basically SOL when it comes to emergencies.

So it came as quite the surprised when I found out that his particular health care centre was accepting new patients who already have a family doctor. Although I think my doctor is a wonderful physician, I had no other choice than to consider transferring to this clinic. Plus, dear husband, who is unfortunately one of those unlucky souls who doesn't have a dedicated family physician, desperately needs a family doctor. For all three of us to be patients at the same health centre that is close to home is a dream come true. You may think I'm over exaggerating my joy, but I have heard enough stories firsthand about the difficulties of finding a family doctor. It is almost an impossible task.

Today I learned that darling daughter and myself have been accepted as patients. I will fully do a happy dance once I learn that dear husband has been accepted as well. My fingers are crossed.

I'm not too sure why I am so excited. Maybe it is due to the fact that this health centre has a wonderful reputation. Maybe it is because it is close to home. Maybe it is because finally we will all be patients (fingers crossed) at the same facility. Or maybe is because I am one of lucky souls to have a family physician. In any case, I'm happy and I am hoping that dear husband will soon get a phone call saying he has been accepted too.

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