Monday, June 22, 2009

The hat wars

See this hat? Isn't it a pretty hat? I love the red lady bugs and the white polka dotted bow. This hat is one of my favourite treasures I found at a local consignment shore. It would be a much more prettier hat if darling daughter would keep it on her head. She doesn't. She yanks it off her head at every opportunity and chews it. For all the good it is doing her, I might as well keep it on the Cabbage Patch Doll.

Ah, the hat wars. I can't remember when the war began. Maybe the day that I thought darling daughter looked absolutely adorable in her hat is the day she decided that no hat would no longer grace the top of her head. It is very frustrating, especially when the UV index is six or higher. For some reason, babies don't listen to reason.

I've tried hats that chin straps. Nope, they are quickly yanked off and the strap ends up in darling daughter's mouth. I've tried hats that are relatively tight. Nope, they don't stay on either. In fact, I found such a hat splayed out on the walkway earlier this afternoon. It was hers. Darling daughter must have taken it off and threw it on the ground. She has a habit of throwing her hat on the ground in the hopes I won't notice. I've picked up her hats numerous times off the ground. At least all that bending over is good exercise.

I envy mothers who can get their kids to keep their hats on the top of their heads. Maybe these kids have some kind of special gene that causes hats to stay put. Or maybe they know the importance of keep covered while they are in the summer sunshine. Who knows? All I know is that my kid, for the life of her, won't keep a hat on. Frustrating indeed!

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