Thursday, June 25, 2009

I buy baby food, part one

If you are a regular follower of my blog, you'll know I have an aversion to making baby food. I find it to be time consuming, messy and frustrating task. But despite my dislike of making the stuff, I do make it. However, I've decided it is time to draw the line.

With this week's heat wave, there is no way I will bake sweet potatoes or squash. The heat from the oven will heat the house even more and I already feel guilty enough for jacking up the air conditioning. Plus, dear husband and I haven't used the oven for our meals in the last couple of days because it has been so hot. So I have decided to buy baby food when the weather is like this. I'll be honest, I already have a stash of commercially made baby food in my cupboard for days when we are away at meal time, but it has grown in recent days. And as you can see in the photo, my stash of frozen baby food has been significantly depleted. (As an aside, aren't my cubes pretty? Sometimes I open the freezer just to admire my work. Hey, making the stuff is hard work.) I only have a handful of baby cubes filled with carrots and peas, and the remaining cubes are fruit. Although darling daughter would be over the moon if I was to feed her only fruit, the kid needs her vegetables.

Darling daughter is not a big fan of commercially-made veggies. They are bland tasting and they have a runny consistency. But she will eat them when she has to. Shopper's Drug Mart (one of my favourite stores!) has its store brand of organic baby food on sale. (Priced at 69 cents a jar. I do believe you can take advantage of this price until mid-August). She seems to like the fruit and she didn't turn up her nose at the carrots I fed her at lunch.

In a way, I feel guilty for not slaving away in a hot kitchen to make her baby food. But unless it is a fruit or vegetable that can go right into the blender without being cooked, the kitchen is closed for now.

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