Friday, June 12, 2009

What happens when dawn breaks?

Dawn has broken and I am at a loss of what I should do.

I know writing about this is terribly silly as I am a 30-something woman who has a young child, but in the last three weeks I have tapped into my 17-year-old excitable teenage self by reading Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. I have sat for hours, turning page after page, reading. I’ve stayed up late, reading. I’ve continued reading while dear husband has attempted to have conversations with me, to no avail because I’m too busy reading. I have discussed the books with friends. I have watched the Twilight movie. (And I’d watch it again if it wasn’t for the fact I’m too cheap to order it again from Rogers on Demand). And I have watched the New Moon trailer on the Internet several times. Oh, for the love of God, I don’t know how I got hooked on a story involving a vampire and a naïve, but clumsy teenaged girl, but I did and now I’m going through withdrawal since finishing the series.

This was my facebook status from a couple of days ago: Valerie McLaughlin is done reading the Twilight series. Now what will I obsess over?

From the responses I have received, apparently, I’m not the only one who feels the same way.

Friend A: I totally obsessed over them too. It was almost a let down once I finished. I want more!

Friend B: LOL, you have to her website and read Midnight Sun…it’s from Edward’s perspective…I’ve read it twice! I hope she finishes it and publishes it!

Friend C: So-and-so gave me some good ideas when I, too, was at a loss for obsession! I have yet to follow up on them (I guess that proves there IS life after Twilight, or perhaps I’ve just put more into my other obsession aka my “love for Jim Halpert) . . .

And this was my response to everyone’s comments: It has only been a day and I’m going through withdrawal. Friend B, I’m reading Midnight Sun and I hate reading off the internet, so that clearly shows how desperate I am for a Twilight fix. LOL. Friend C, I understand your love for Jim Halpert. :) I don’t know what I’ll do if or when the Office ends.

I must point out that the friends who responded to my status aren’t teenaged girls, but grown women.

In a way, we “Twilighters” are kind of like vampires. We devour the books and we want more. So I guess I’m just going to have to suck it up and realize that they were a good read, but life has to move on. Only 160 days to the release of New Moon and 383 days to Eclipse. Can’t wait!

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