Monday, January 10, 2011

Fighting through the fog

I hate sickness. It ails me.

Enough of the puns. In all seriousness, I dislike being sick. Last week, I thought I was suffering through a bout nausea. Lately, I've been suffering through tiny bouts of nausea. Not all that serious. It sometimes happens. And before someone says morning sickness, that is not even a possibility.

So when I was feeling nauseous on Wednesday night, I didn't think much about it. I took a Gravol and called it a night. Well, this wasn't just a period of nauseous that sleep could cure. It was a stomach bug. By Friday, I was still suffering through it and dear husband had it. Amazingly, darling daughter has been stomach-bug free since I got sick (knock on wood).

Since Saturday, I've been trying to feel like more like myself. I'm still not back on the food wagon. I quickly got tired of eating toast, so I switched to pizza. It may not be the healthiest of choices, but it is something that I can stomach. (Oh dear, another pun). I may even attempt meat tonight for dinner. The poor chicken dish I made on Wednesday night is still in the refrigerator. There it will stay until garbage day. Such a waste, but there is not much you can do when most of everyone in the household gets sick and as a result falls off the meat wagon for several days.

Yesterday, in an attempt to fight through the sickness fog, I went to the gym. I ran. May not have been the wisest choices, but I felt marginally better. So between fighting a stomach bug and insomnia, I'm slowly getting back to myself. I can't wait to crawl into bed tonight. Hopefully I'll get some sleep and when I wake up tomorrow I hope that the fog has finally lifted.

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