Sunday, April 26, 2009

The diaper genie . . . is it a scam?

I have a diaper genie. In fact, I have a diaper genie II. I bought it when darling daughter was about six months old. I finally broke down and bought one when our Safety First diaper pail was no longer useable. I had no problem when the plastic insert that kept the garbage bag closed broke a month after we bought it. I continued to use it. However, I did have a problem when the lid broke. What is the point with a diaper pail that lid no longer doesn't close? Back to Babies R' Us it went.

I must say the diaper genie works great. It holds darling daughter's dirty diapers. The problem I have is the plastic bag refill cartridge you need for it to properly work. It seems every time I turn around, I've got to change the refill cartridge. And those refills aren't cheap. They are about $8 each. So potentially I could be spending $32 a month to dispose of disposable diapers. (Ha, ha, the irony). I guess this is what I get for choosing disposal diapers over cloth diapers. (The debate over cloth diapers still rages in my household. However, that is separate blog entry for another day).

So not only did I pay Playtex $35 for the diaper genie, I've got to pay $8 a week, give or take, to dispose of my dirty diapers. That works out to be a whopping $416 a year. Ouch. I think I'm going to be sick. There must be better way. (I know the better way is cloth diapers, but like I said, the subject is still being debated in my household). I see a challenge. I'll have to give it some thought and see if I can come up with a solution.

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