Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sorry Madonna, time does not go by so slowly

Tomorrow is Friday. Many in the workforce celebrate the arrival of Friday. For me, it is just another day of the week.

I am slowly learning that motherhood doesn't include weekends, statutory holidays or vacation time when you have a baby. Although weekends do consist of family time for dear husband, darling daughter and myself, Saturday and Sunday just seem like any other day of the week, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, the weeks are flying by. Someone recently told me that when you have a child the days go by so slowly, but the months go by so quickly. I am learning that this statement is very true.

Darling daughter recently turned eight months. One day we brought her home from the hospital, and the next day she is crawling.

The concept of time hit home yesterday when I was talking to my accountant over the phone. We were chatting about children and how fast they grow up. For some reason I thought her kids were eight or 10 years old. Nope. They are 16 and 13 and the eldest has her driver's licence.

I enjoy every day I have with darling daughter. These days are a gift. But it seems like I can't fully enjoy my gift because she is growing up so quickly. One of these days she is going to pull herself up and then start to walk. It will be bittersweet seeing my darling daughter take her first steps. It will be bittersweet seeing my daughter go off to kindergarten. It will be bittersweet to watch darling daughter graduate high school and then head off to university. It will be bittersweet to see her get married and have children. Although it seems like those milestones are an eternity away, I now realize they aren't. These milestones will come and go in a blink of an eye. All I can do, as a parent, is enjoy the ride.

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