Monday, March 30, 2009

Why can't my kid live in a bubble?

I am just like that mom in the baby wipes commercial who puts their kid in a bubble. But instead of worrying that my child will get dirty while playing on the playground, I'm afraid my kid will knock her noggin. Ever since actress Natasha Richardson took a spill on a bunny hill and died due to the trauma her head sustained in the fall, I've been watching darling daughter like a hawk.

I realize that bumps, bruises and spills at this age happen. However, that doesn't make me any less fearful. Recently, I slept on darling daughter's bedroom floor after she clunked her head on the base of her jumperoo while crawling. Damn thing! I really should bubble wrap the stand. This happened about two days after Richardson case hit the news. I took no chances and had a horrible sleep on the futon mattress that I got dear husband to drag into her room.

I know this fear of mine is leading into paranoia, but I can't help it. If an actress can die after a seemingly innocent fall on a ski hill, what happens when my baby, MY BABY, decides that she wants to walk and whacks her head on my hardwood floors when she loses her step? Even sitting up can be dangerous. We were practicing the other day in front of her new baby cruise and crawl toy when she suddenly fell over and hit the plastic leaves above the wide-mouth hippo. Damn thing! I really need to bubble wrap those leaves too.

I highly doubt that they sell baby sized hamster balls at consignment stores, so I guess I will have to confront my own paranoia and tell myself that bumps and bruises are a part of childhood. It is a hard pill to swallow. But I can always get a helmet, couldn't I?

1 comment:

  1. the loss of Natasha Richardson makes me re-think my resistance to wearing a helmet while skiing
