Sunday, March 1, 2009

I will not wear lululemon in public (unless I am going to the gym)

Ever since having darling daughter, I have been literally living in my lululemon pants. I have certainly gotten my $97 worth. For those who don't know, lululemon is a (and I'm quoting here) "yoga-inspired athletic apparel company with over 100 locations" across the world. Luckily for me, Ottawa has two locations. If I die tomorrow, my husband can certainly feel free to bury me in my lululemon pants. He wouldn't even have to go searching for them because I would likely be wearing them.

Since they are so darn comfortable, I just can't help wearing them. I wear them around the house, when I go shopping and when I go to the gym. But recently, I have been feeling frumpy and my lululemon pants aren't helping my cause to un-frump myself. In a couple of minutes I will be leaving to go to a meeting. Earlier this morning, I was wondering if I could get away with wearing my lululemon pants to said meeting. Despite the fact I have no clothes (my closet is filled with a mismash of clothes that don't fit, not approperiate or just plain ugly), I found a pair of jeans and a half decent shirt. I guess I look okay, but I have been struggling through this postpartum clothes stage and even going out to dinner with friends can be difficult because of this odd clothes related self esteem issue I have been suffering from.

So I have made a pledge not to wear my lululemon pants in public, unless I'm going to the gym. While wearing them at home is okay, I won't wear them when hosting a playdate or another event. I know it will be hard to do since they are so darn comfortable, but it is one of the steps I have to take to un-frump myself. Wish me luck

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