Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's a bad food day and it isn't even 1 p.m. yet

Well, so far today I have ate some yummy banana bread, a chocolate timbit and I just polished off the brownie pie I made yesterday. Although I tell myself that dear husband ate most of it, I'm sure I helped and most of it will land on my hips. I wouldn't be all upset at my little indiscretion when it comes to eating too much chocolate goodness, but Saturday wasn't a good food day either. Tomorrow isn't likely to be any better as I'm hosting a potluck and those usually spell trouble. It is easier on the conscious to bring sinful food to a playdate and share it with others than it is to eat it at home alone.

To be honest, it is hard to eat healthy when you spend most of your time at home. Cookies, potato chips and chocolate that some how find a home in my kitchen cupboards usually make their way into my mouth.

It is a never ending cycle that I'm trying to stop. But that chocolateness goodness always calls out to me. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

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