Thursday, March 12, 2009

Can't have poopie discussions with childless friends, which is a very good thing

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my friend. I'm not too sure when she will show up, hopefully soon. I haven't seen her in months. Unless you consider her job a child (her job takes up a lot of her time) she has no children.

Obviously, your life changes when you have children. Your child literally consumes your life. Therefore, old friendships, sadly, go by the wayside. You don't mean for it to happen, it just can't be helped. Sure, you can keep in contact through facebook and MSN messenger, but it isn't the same. Life is busy and that phone call that you have been meaning to make to a friend or two, just never gets made.

Anyhoo, I think I may have guilted my friend in coming to visit us. But no matter, I'm excited I'm getting a visit from someone who is childless. In my new found world of motherhood, spending time with other moms and their babies can be incredibly stressful. Somedays it is like walking through a mine field as I always find myself comparing my kid to others and watching what I say in case I offend someone with my comments, especially when it comes to parenting. So when I get the opportunity to spend time with someone who is childless, I jump at the opportunity. There will be no talk of poop, breastfeeding, solids, naps or any of the other multitude of other topics that relate to babies. Yes, I almost become sane when I'm around people who are childless.

I hope my friend arrives soon. Other than dear husband and darling daughter, she'll likely be the only other person I get to talk to today.

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