Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How this momma got her BodyStep groove back

Until today, it has been almost 17 months since I stepped into a Goodlife BodyStep class. The last class I attended was when I suspected I was pregnant with darling daughter. I have been hestiant to participate in a step aerobics class since I gave birth due to the fact I dislocated my knee cap when I was about seven weeks pregnant. But for whatever reason today was the day I decided to reintroduce myself to BodyStep.

Before I ever got pregnant with darling daughter, I had schedules of several Goodlife locations throughout the city in a drawer in my desk at work. If I happened to get off early, I'd peruse the schedules to see if there was a BodyStep class I could attend. It wouldn't be unusual for me to attend up to five classes a week. What can I say? I was addicted.

So once dear husband came home tonight, I was out of the house like a shot. I shouted out some instructions to him in regards what to feed darling daughter dinner before jumping into the car. The adrenaline was running through my body as I drove through heavy traffic to Goodlife. Would I make the class? Would I remember the choreography? Would I lose my nerve and jump on an exercise bike instead?

I breezed into the gym, quickly scanned my membership card, jammed my belongings into a locker, walked briskly into the studio and set up my step at the front of the class. Soon, the music was pumping and I found myself stepping up a storm. I was tapping, turning, squatting, straddling and flying across the top of the step. By the seventh track, I was drenched in sweat, but I wanted more. Much more. Oh, I forgot how addictive BodyStep is. By the tenth track, I was ready for the third and last cardio peak. Over the top, toe tapping and squatting I was working through five minutes and five seconds of pure aerobic hell. But I got through it and felt fantastic. I had a huge smile on my face when I left class. Yes, this momma has got her BodyStep groove back. And now I have rediscovered my BodyStep addiction. Oh BodyStep, how I missed you so.

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