Thursday, March 25, 2010

Got chocolate?

I'm craving chocolate.

Unfortunately for me, there is no chocolate in the house other than an open bag of chocolate chips. There is not even a single bag of Easter candy to be had. It is taking every ounce of willpower I have not to eat the entire bag of chocolate chips. I have settled for eating a couple of old Girl Guide mint chocolate covered cookies that have been sitting in my freezer forever just to help curb the craving. It isn't working.

This morning darling daughter and I headed to the play area at Chapters. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to steer the stroller into Starbucks and order a chocolate oat bar. I heart Starbucks' chocolate oat bars. I even found a couple of recipes online. I have all the ingredients to make said chocolate treats. And it is taking every ounce of willpower I have not to whip out the hand mixer, bowls and measuring cups and get down to work.

So here I am, craving chocolate and unable to satisfy my craving. Can't leave the house and buy a small bag of Cadbury mini-eggs as darling daughter is sleeping. Maybe that is a good thing.

Last night, I had dear husband buy us a small bag of mini-eggs. With all the running I am doing, I'm trying to keep my chocolate cravings in check. I divided the bag evenly between us. Guess what? There aren't many eggs in those small bags. And the eggs I did eat obviously didn't help as I'm still craving chocolate.

I'm not too sure how I will be able to break this craving. Maybe I should go out and buy a bag of Easter candy and indulge or try to maintain my willpower. Until I come up with an answer, I'll likely be picking at that bag of chocolate chips for the remainder of the day.

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