Monday, March 29, 2010

I heart Bluntcard (and I can't help myself)

On Friday, I was attempting to turn left from Pinecrest Road onto Queensview Drive. It is relatively busy intersection as you may have to wait for a steady stream of traffic coming off the Queensway to dissipate. As I was waiting for a break in traffic, in my rear-view mirror, I spotted the motorist behind me freaking out. He was flailing his hands, urging me to go and clearly upset that I hadn't made my turn yet. And what did he have in his hands? A smart phone.

Spotting that smart phone made me mad. Using hand held phones while driving is now illegal in the Province of Ontario. For the last two months, Oprah has been urging people to take the no phone zone pledge in an attempt to get distracted drivers to concentrate on driving, not on texting or talking on their phones. While I can only assume that since he had the phone in his hand that some point during his drive he was either trying to text or make a phone call. Obviously he hadn't seen Wednesday’s episode of Oprah’s show where she repeated her initial no phone zone pledge show.

What a jerk! I thought. There is no way in hell I’d take such a risk and try and turn as oncoming traffic because some jerk, who is waving a smart phone in his hand, is impatient and can‘t wait his turn. Although darling daughter wasn't in the car with me, my momma bear instincts kicked into high gear. Can’t that jerk see I have a baby on board magnet on the back of my car? As if I’d risk the life of my child (if she was in the car) for some jerk. Jerk!

I’m not too sure why he was in such a hurry because after we both turned left, he suddenly pulled over to the side of the street. One would hope that the reason he was stopping was to use his smart phone. Or maybe he was embarrassed and wanted to give some distance between me and him. But I doubt that. Jerks like that don’t usually get embarrassed that easily.

Throughout this situation, I was thinking and shouting stronger words other than jerk. I was fuming when I pulled into the gym parking lot. Really, I thought, if I knew who that guy is and his email address, I’d send him a Bluntcard.

A Bluntcard? What is a Bluntcard?

I have to admit that I love Bluntcard. is a e-card website. Yes, some of the messages can cross the line of good taste. Yes, they can be crude. And yes, they can be rude, but some of them are funny. Sometimes they make me laugh that I almost want to cry. (Please note: I'm not a fan of the “mommy wants drunk time ones” as they are a little too much for my taste). However, some of them are witty, clever and truthful. For the last couple of months I've seen Bluntcards pop up on my Facebook news feed. Last weekend, I decided to check out the Bluntcard site and I laughed and laughed and laughed. I keep on telling myself that I shouldn't laugh because some of them are rude and crude, but I can’t help myself. Some of them are so hilarious that I still snicker when I think of them, which provokes strange looks from dear husband as he has no clue what I’m laughing at.

Unfortunately, Bluntcard doesn't have any idiot driver bluntcards that I can send out to every crazy driver I encounter. Too bad. While I’m still kind of self conscious for my love for Bluntcard, I do think that sending out a Bluntcard is applicable in this case. It makes the message crystal clear and it beats giving the one-finger salute to jerks in public.
(Image courtesy of

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