Friday, November 19, 2010

A cute and furry visitor

Yesterday, a cat found its way into my backyard.

I had taken the last two days "off" from work, meaning I put darling daughter in daycare in order to do some stuff around the house -- namely declutter. As usual, the plan didn't go as planned as life always has a tendency to get in the way and not much got done.

While I was putting away laundry, I heard a distinct meow. When I looked out the window, I saw a black kitty, about six months old, crying for attention. When it comes to cats, I'm a sap as I'm a cat person. But no amount of pleading, asking and begging dear husband for a cat has gotten me anywhere over the years. So I was delighted when I saw this poor little kitty crying for my help.

I fed it. After it ate, it decided to take refuge behind the air conditioner. I knew this cat wasn't going anywhere as it found a food source. Bringing it inside was out of the question. Not only would dear husband freak, so would darling daughter. Although she loves animals, bringing one into the household at his point and time isn't feasible.

I made a temporary "cat house" out of an empty recycling box and a plastic dish wash bin. The bin became the bed and the recycling box became the house. I faced the box towards a stack of patio stones to reduce wind exposure. Apparently kitty loved her house because she stayed the night.

My backyard isn't a suitable home for kitty. So kitty and I took a ride down to the local shelter, where I discovered kitty was a six month old female. It was hard surrendering her to the shelter worker. I got a bit misty eyed. But kitty is safe. She is inside. She got vaccinated. She is with other kitties. She may be reunited with her owner if they decide to claim her. Or she may be adopted into a loving home. I wish kitty all the best.

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