Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blessed sleep

It took three nights, but finally darling daughter slept through the night. Dear husband woke me up this morning to tell me that she had slept through the night. (That's kind of ironic that you would wake up your wife to tell her that your child has slept through the night. . . ) We still haven't seen any teeth yet, but dear husband thinks she is getting another top tooth. She refuses to let us look in her mouth.

I forgot how important sleep is. Since having darling daughter, I have realized that I don't function well on little sleep. Those first seven weeks of her life are still a hazy, painful sleepless blur. I'm still trying to repay my sleep debt that I accumulated when I was pregnant with darling daughter as I suffered from insomnia. Going through three interrupted night sleeps, I am starting to wonder how I could possibly function with another child in the picture. Sure, I never really bought into the adage of "sleep when the baby sleeps," but how can you really do that when you have a toddler to look after? I know people do it, but how do they do it, is the question I'd like to have an answer to.

Anyway, this little experience has given me some food for thought that I will certainly mull over.

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