Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stuck in teething hell, part two

It is almost 2 p.m. and I'm still in my pajamas. Obviously it goes without saying that today is not a good day.

I have reverted back to the newborn stage, if that is at all possible. Last night was utter hell. Darling daughter was up every two hours and was inconsolable for the most part. My memory is a little fuzzy from midnight to 6 a.m. I know she got up three times. I know I got the camilia out. I bought it last night at the grocery store. It is a homeopathic medicine for teething pain. When I was at the grocery store, I read the direction and almost laughed out loud. The following is the dosage instructions: "give one unit-dose upon onset of crisis. If pain persists, repeat does up to two times at 15-minute intervals. Repeat the process if another crisis occurs."

Crisis? I'm not too sure what constitutes a crisis, but at midnight we had a full blown emergency. Let's just say I wasn't laughing any more at when I ripped open the camilia box, opened a capsule and gave it to darling daughter. It did seem to help, but it didn't help at around 4 a.m. (It may not have been 4 a.m. as like I said before, my memory is fuzzy). But by that time, she was so overtired that likely no medicine in the world would improve her overall mood.
Luckily for me, darling daughter seemed to be in a cooperative mood and went down for three hour nap this morning. Taking to heart that old adage of "sleep when the baby sleeps" I climbed back into bed for a snooze. Oh, sleep can be so glorious, especially when you haven't had it in awhile. Thanks to that sleep, I feel somewhat human now and ready for the next round of teething hell. But if you feel the need, do say a little prayer for me.

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