Monday, July 13, 2009

Stuck in teething hell

So far, I've kind of sailed through the teething thing. Teeth would suddenly pop into darling daughter's with no fuss or muss and life would go on. When I would hear teething horror stories from friends, I'd be in awe. As they would tell me their teething nightmare tales, I would shake my head in sympathy, but I'd always have a strange feeling of smugness due in part that darling daughter never experienced such teething problems.

Well, karma has smacked me on the butt. I'm stuck in teething hell. It has only been 24 hours and I'm already exhausted. Yesterday started off as any ordinary day. Got darling daughter up, fed her, handed her to dear husband and then went to the gym. When I returned home, all hell had broken loose. Darling daughter threw up her entire breakfast on dear husband and made a horrible mess in the process. And she also developed a fever.

We are assuming it is teething as she is in good humour for the most part. Another big sign teething may be the culprit is that she is grinding her teeth. She has been grinding her teeth for the last week and she only does it when she is teething. Plus, she won't let us look in her mouth.

While the daytime is relatively peaceful for the most part, nigh time is a different story. From the time we put her to bed last night to the minute she officially started the day this morning, she was up four times during the night. Ouch! I totally forgot what it was like to deal with night feedings. Luckily, I am still breastfeeding. Although some parenting experts may cringe in horror, the easiest thing for me was to nurse my cranky, inconsolable baby back to sleep. Hey, you got to do what you got to do to survive!

However, dealing with four night feedings has caused me to feel like I have a hangover. My head hurts and it isn't even 10:30 a.m. yet. It is going to be a long day. Hopefully this teething thing doesn't last too long.

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