Thursday, August 26, 2010

Embracing the grey

This is me. This is me and my grey hair.

I'm not even close to 40 and I've already got grey hair. The first grey hairs started to show up soon after my twentieth birthday. I'd like to tell you this photo was taken after darling daughter and I started our potty training journey, but sadly, this self portrait was taken the week before we got rid of the diapers. This is my au naturel hair colour.

I stopped getting my hair coloured since before the new year. There were two reasons behind my decision: cost and time.

It costs money to get your hair coloured. It would cost me a good $100 or more to get rid of the grey. (Once I spent $200 on a horrible highlight job at a high end salon, but I strictly blame that on pregnancy hormones as I was less than a month away from my due date). In my experience, colour doesn't really stick to grey. About two to three weeks after my dye job, the grey roots slowly return. Since it costs $100 or more for a dye job, I couldn't afford to run back to my stylist's salon every three weeks to hide the grey.

Where do I find the time? Regardless of cost, I just don't have the time to get my hair dyed every three weeks. I'm soon in need of a hair cut and I'm trying to find the time to fit in that task in my schedule.

After looking at my options and seeing more grey hairs popping up, I decided to embrace the grey, so to speak, and stop dyeing my hair. I'm not really thrilled that I have a streak of grey running down my part, but every time I visit my nurse practitioner, she tells me people pay good money to add streaks of grey to their hair. I don't get it. Just like I don't get why people want curls.

Until a money tree decides to take root in my back yard, I'll be embracing the grey. If Stacy London can get away with a streak of grey in her hair, I guess I can, too.


  1. Good for you! I think it looks fab, BTW. Seeing your post made me smile, as I just recently made the decision to stop highlighting my hair for the very same two reasons you quoted.

    So I'll be switching to full colour (at the salon) for the first two applications and then... box colour. I've had good results before and for about $10 a pop, it's not too bad.

    See, I don't have greys (yet) but I do have extremely fine, limp hair, so if I don't coat it with colour it just hangs there. I figure L'Oreal Preference will do just fine!

  2. Well, Val, I am the same age as you and I have more than my fair share of grey, although mine is more spread as opposed to being a streak like yours. But I have to strongly agree that we are far too young for this!

    Like Lena, I use the box stuff . . . I too have had decent luck with it, but the only time I do anything more than that is when my hairstylist friend does it for me at a VERY reduced rate! But finding time to do that is even harder than finding time to go to a salon!

  3. Thanks, ladies. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone when it comes to this issue. I may have to try out the box stuff once I get tired of looking at my grey streaks.
