Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh, poop!

Must. Resist. The. Urge.

Must. Resist. The. Urge.

Must. Resist. The. Urge.

I've been repeating these four words for the last three days. Must resist the urge is my new mantra. The four words suddenly popped into my tired, weary head when I found myself staring at disposable training pants at Shoppers Drug Mart on Saturday afternoon. At that point, we had no pooping success in our potty training journey. In fact, I had a crabby two year old who needed to poop but refused to do it in the potty.

I had went to Shoppers for solace. About two hours before, darling daughter had a huge poop explosion at nap time. Right before the poop hit the fan, dear husband disappeared to run an errand. Let's just say it took two baths and a Calliou book to calm darling daughter down. All the while, I was quietly cursing dear husband, who has yet to clean up one poopie accident. I know sh!t happens, but why does it always fall at my feet (literally) to clean up?

Lots has happened since contemplating buying disposable training pants. (Should I get Life brand? Or should I get Pullups? Damn, these things are expensive!) To make a long story short, darling daughter has pooped twice in the potty, but it has been a big production. She has been cranky, asking to go potty, but refusing to do her business. This process has last for hours until the urge is too big for her to contain and she does her business. After Saturday's big poop celebration, I thought we'd be on easy street. She'd see how easy it is to poop in the potty and continue to do so. Nope. Things have remained the same: she does poopie avoidance dance for hours until it gets too much.

I am of two minds here: Screw it and get the Pullups and use them at nap time. Or remain the course and hope that the poopie avoidance dance starts to dissipate. The three day potty training method I used specifically says that Pullups or training pants of any kind are a big no, no. Another issue we've been force to deal with through this whole potty training journey is sleep. I don't mind cleaning up pee or poop. But what I do mind is that my child seems to be cranky and it could be due to interrupted sleep. Nap time and bedtime cleanups are a sleep disruptor.

We've been diaper-less for a week now. It is quite the accomplishment. But we still aren't fully potty trained and the poop department is still a work in progress. Maybe it is time to screw the three-day potty training method and get disposable training pants. Maybe darling daughter isn't psychologically ready for pooping in the potty. I don't know. All I know that we may be teetering on the edge of a power struggle that may be detrimental to potty training. I may give into the urge any time soon.


  1. DON"T GIVE UP!!!! You are doing a great job! Pooping is always a bigger struggle than peeing. Your darling daughter seems to be at perfectly normal stage for her age. Keep up with the underwear during the day for sure. If you go back to diapers/pull ups during the day, she is apt to regress. Unless she starts to hold in her poops for days, I wouldn't worry about it. Sooner or later she will get it!

    However, if you think that her sleep is being disrupted by your nighttime/nap time potty training efforts, then by all means put her back into diapers for sleep. And if you are just going to use them for sleep, I wouldn't even bother with pull ups, they are very expensive and not really necessary if you are only using them at sleep times.

  2. Thanks, Nicki, We're still plugging away with the underwear. The urgent poopie dance she has been doing in the last couple of days has kind of dissipated. Can't wait until potty training is over. I hate it.
