Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So where do we go from here?

We are nearing the end of day three of the three-day potty training method, and a question just popped into my head: so where do we go from here?

According to the guide, darling daughter is suppose to be potty trained by the time she wakes up tomorrow morning, but I've got my doubts. Going number two is a work in progress. Today she went, but I caught it just as she was doing it in her underwear and I hustled her to the bathroom. I guess we are making some progress from yesterday's big blow out, but we do have a ways to go (ie: having number two meeting contact with potty basin while sitting on said potty).

Once again, she woke up dry. Not some much so at nap time. We had a pee blowout. There have several false alarms today. "Potty. Have to go potty" doesn't always result in actual pottying. I think darling daughter likes the rush of me hustling her upstairs in my arms. (To say the least my legs and knees are sore from all the running I've done the last three days).

I must say that we've come a long way since Monday morning. We have two dry nights and one dry nap time. We have had several instances where she has told me she has to go potty and has actually peed. The diapers are in a grocery bag, waiting to be given to a fellow mommy friend. But I don't think we are fully potty trained. I think it be awhile before we hit that milestone. Until then, I'll be taking an extra set of clothes with me everywhere we go and have towels on hand to mop up messes.


  1. I have been waiting since you first posted about potty training in 3 days to give you insight, because I didn't want to discourage you. I think that what you have been doing is a wonderful start, but I have to say that potty training in 3 days is very unrealistic. And this comes from 12 years of potty training experience . . . I have potty trained A LOT of kids over the years.

    This program (I would love to know where you found it) does seem to have a good basis in consistency being key. But that being said, you can't let potty training run your life! Don't be afraid to put a diaper on her if you are going out somewhere that you aren't going to have easy access to a bathroom. And although you seem to be getting lucky at night, if that luck starts to fail, put a diaper on her to sleep. I know kids who have wet the bed until they were 7, 8 or even 12. Certainly not what a mom in potty training mode wants to here, but it is reality.

    Keep being as consistent as you can, it sounds to me like you are doing a GREAT job! And good luck!! :) I hope I haven't discouraged or insulted you in any way! Just thought I would share my thoughts! Contact me any time if you want any advice or anything! :)

  2. You absolutely haven't insulted or discouraged me at all. I was just remarking to dear husband today, wondering if we haven't done the opposite: potty trained ourselves, rather than potty trained darling daughter. I think she is starting to get the concept, but I don't think what you would consider fully potty trained. The last three days have been the most exhausting days of my life since we got out the newborn stage. Sometimes I wonder if we just haven't been lucky in terms of her "asking" to go to the bathroom. It will be interesting to see what it will be like in the next couple of days when I loosen the strings on the whole potty training experience. I'm exhausted watching her every move and asking "Tell mommy when you have to pee, okay?"

    I totally appreciate your input because it was good to hear from an expert. Thanks for the offer for advice. I'll likely be emailing you in the next couple of days or weeks. :)

  3. It is exhausting and a lot of work. And I have to admit that it is the one part of my job that I hate! But at the same time, it can be very rewarding when you actually see that you are accomplishing something! There will be a lot of false alarms before she really gets it. And accidents aren't always a bad thing, they are always an annoying thing, but not always bad! Sometimes that's what it takes for them to understand and connect the "have to pee" feeling with the pee coming out!
