Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Golden Age

I think I’ve hit a Golden Age with darling daughter. She’s at an age where everything is new to her. Bugs, sticks, sand, rocks, trees, birds, clouds, and even splash pads brings her pure delight.

We were unable to enjoy splash pads last year as she wasn’t walking until the end of August and I wasn’t about to let her crawl on concrete. Yesterday we got together with my friend J and her little boy. She suggested we head to a nearby splash pad to cool off and enjoy the beautiful weather. I won’t disclose the location of said splash pad because it may be the best splash pad in the entire city of Ottawa because it is so darn cool and quiet. And my gut tells me that not many people know about said splash pad so it is best keep it a secret.

Darling daughter had the time of her life, dashing in and out of the jetting water, squealing and screaming in delight. Her little friend was a bit cautious, likely due to an unfortunate incident where he was frightened by a big stream of water hitting him unexpectedly. He had great fun running through the splash pad when the water stopped, tempting fate so to speak. Regardless if they were getting wet or staying dry, I looked at darling daughter and her little friend having fun and concluded that this may be one of the Golden Ages of their childhoods. They are just getting to know the world around them. They aren’t exactly set in their ways because they get distracted easily (and depending how you look at it, that may be a con). And the simple things, like running or avoiding running through rushing water, brings pure joy into their lives.

As darling daughter ran in and around the splash pad, I documented her experience with my camera. Some of the photos are priceless. She has a huge grin in most of the photos, delighted with the rushing water gushing from the sprinklers below and above her.

There will definitely be more Golden Age days in darling daughter’s life, but the day when she first discovered the splash pad has already become a fond memory in my mind.


  1. Awe.. i love that.. Golden Age days... that's perfectly put!
    Enjoy your Golden Age days... soon will come some testing days... but the Golden Age days will come back again... :)

    And please, you'll have to email me the location of this secret splash pad!!! I like the sound of a more quiet splash pad.... :)


  2. Thanks Trace! And I've emailed you the location of the "secret" splash pad. :)
