Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A new month, a new ear infection

For the third time in less than a month, we made another visit to the doctor's office this morning. The first visit happened in early May, where the doctor politely informed me that she was suffering from an ear infection. The second visit occurred two weeks later when darling daughter began to exhibit ear infection symptoms: a persistent cough and runny nose. It turned out it wasn't an ear infection, but fluid in the ears. I was told to use a saline nasal spray to help flush out the nasal passages in hopes of relieving congestion. Once the congestion was relieved, the cough would disappear.

Despite the fact she hates getting her nasal passages irrigated, the saline solution did help. But on Sunday, the persistent cough started up again. So once again, we made another visit to the doctor's office this morning. The nurse practitioner confirmed what I already knew once she looked into her ears: ear infection. And a raging infection in both ears at that.

So a big cheer for Amoxicillin. Although she only has had one dose, it seems to be working. And after we've successfully beat this infection, here's hoping no more ear infections for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. *HUGS* to you and your little one! Hope the infection clears out completely this time.
