Monday, June 28, 2010

Why I run

Since running a 10k race more than two weeks ago, I've slacked off on running distances longer than 3k. And I've really slacked off on hill running. I haven't ran hills in nearly five weeks. But as I pointed out to dear husband this weekend, I'm still running. For the most part, I try to update my sticky note running journal. Every time I run, I write the date, distance and time on a sticky note and post it on my kitchen cabinet. It keeps me motivated. There are nearly 80 sticky notes on this one cabinet.

I thought today, to keep me motivated, I'd write the reasons why I run. So in no particular order, here is why I run.

Why I run
I run because I can release stress and frustration in a positive, healthy way.
I run because it helps me keep my sanity.
I run because sometimes it is the only "me" time I get during the day.
I run because it is fun.
I run because of the endorphin high.
I run because it helps me mediate and clear my mind.
I run because I can prove to myself that I can run.
I run because it gives me confidence and strength.
I run because the greatest feeling in the world is crossing the finish line.
I run because it keeps me in shape.
I run because it challenges my mind.
I run because it is very cool experience to run in a crowd of 7,500 people.
I run because it makes me sweat.
I run because it helps me to build stamina and endurance.
I run because not only does it motivate me, it motivates others.
I run because I breathe better afterwards.
I run because I can. And if I can do it, anyone can.

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