Friday, June 4, 2010

Reviving my Swiffer mop

Since purchasing my Dyson, which sucks up everything, including toddler socks, my poor Swiffer has been relegated to the back of the broom closet. Why buy Swiffer cloths when I can simply plug in my Dyson and vacuum the dust bunnies to my heart's content?

Last week I was browsing through the blogs I follow. One blogger mentioned she had knitted Swiffer cloths. Swiffer cloths?!? You can knit them?!? Holy crap! Why didn't I think of that? I immediately logged into Ravelry and voila! Swiffer cloth and dry dust mop cover cover patterns suddenly popped onto my screen. And best yet, most were free patterns.

One of the reasons I wasn't using my Swiffer was because I had run out of disposable cloths to use. Although the cloths are great, I hate using them because they end up in the garbage. Why spend money on something you are going to throw out anyway? Since I've got a bin filled with cotton yarn (so addicted to the colours) I found a ball and quickly knitted this pattern. I made this cover in less than a day. It is super easy and it would be a great pattern for those who are learning to knit. The only thing I would change is making the pockets a bit deeper by half an inch. Also, they work perfectly. Once you are done, then can be thrown into the laundry to be washed. So, hello Swiffer mop and goodbye to Swiffer cloths.


  1. OMGOSH!! Val.. i could kiss you for posting this.. what an amazing idea!! Oh, I'm so going to knit myself some swiffer cloths.... LOVE it!

  2. They are pretty cool. They are a great way to get rid of bits and bites of your cotton stash, plus they work great, too.
