Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Week: Next year will be different!

Next year I will not be so disorganized. This is always my lament when December 24 rolls around each year.

Actually, I'm not all that disorganized, but today seems crazy. Trying to finish stories for a deadline, make a salad, wash dishes before tackling my to-do list. Such craziness for one day of the year.

I had another post in mind. However, this one is going to have to do as I simply don't have the time. I'm still not dress. Darling daughter is eating lunch in her pajamas and I need to do some things before dear husband walks through the door.

So dear readers, I apologize for my hurried Merry Christmas greetings, but I wish you and yours a very happy holiday and I hope Santa is good to you.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Valerie!!! I hear you... every year I vow to be more organized so that on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, all I have to do is relax and laugh with my family... it never seems to happen...

    Well, I do wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas!! I look foward to catching up with you more often in the new year!!
