Friday, December 17, 2010

How to score free books (and get them delivered to your door)

I've been meaning to blog about how I scored free knitting books. Free in every sense of the word.

I've been on a knitting book buying spree for the last month. While I have established a firm rule for myself that I don't buy books, knitting books have become the exception as they are classed as reference material.

So after using a gift card given to me buy a friend and supplementing my order with own money to buy books earlier this month, I came to the conclusion I could score free books if I wanted to.

However, free isn't exactly free. You've got to have an Air Miles Card to do this. So if you have sold your soul, so to speak, and tell retailers what you buy through the use of points cards you can reap the benefits. I cashed in some of my points and got a Chapter's gift card delivered to my door. Since it seems cheaper to buy books online from Chapter's, I disposed my gift card into my online account, selected the books I wanted to buy and took advantage of Chapter's cheap shipping rates (free shipping on orders $25 or more). Voila, I've got two Vogue Knitting books that I have been coveting for the last month.

So if you find yourself lacking in the book department this holiday season or if Santa has failed to deliver, you too can score free books.

1 comment:

  1. I always do that!! Seriously, about 95% of the books in my home - and there's a lot of them - I got with the free Chapters Air Miles cards :P I suppose it can be a problem if you buy MORE things just to get points... haha But if you buy the things you would buy anyway - groceries, gas, clothes for the kids... then hey, might as well get the free stuff :P
