Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cake + Diet Coke = delicious treat

The cake is no more.

Apparently my will power refused to show up.

Over the last two days, that large piece of cake started to dwindle in size as I ate a forkful here and there. By 5 p.m. today, it was just a scrawny piece of cake-y goodness. So I decided to put it out of its misery by eating it for dessert. No more cake means no more temptation.

A cold glass of Diet Coke would have gone well with that piece of cake. But alas, I haven't had any Diet Coke in two days, which is a recent record for me. In my books, the best treat of all in the whole wide world is chocolate cake and Diet Coke. But I have decided to give up Diet Coke. There is no Diet Coke in the house actually, so sneaking a can with my treat wasn't even possible.

So here I am, with no cake and no Diet Coke. Although I am proud of myself that I haven't drank any Diet Coke in two days, I do miss its fizzy goodness. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. I've got 19 more days to go. I'll let you know what the outcome is. Here's hoping I can break my Diet Coke once and for all.


  1. LOL - I think we must be in a parallel universe, because I had an eerie sense of deja-vu as I read your post. Yes, the cake must go to rid ourselves of the temptation. It's the only way.

    BTW, I'm a rookie mom of one too!

  2. Isn't it funny how we try to justify that if we just eat the cake, the temptation will be gone? I've done it plenty of times. I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone.
