Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm just a rookie mom of one

I must live under a rock because until the other night, I had no idea that the concept of an Alpha Mom even existed.

I was browsing Facebook when I saw an Alpha Mom fan suggestion. Become a fan if you’re an Alpha Mom, the icon on the right hand of my computer screen suggested.

Alpha Mom? I know what an Alpha Dog is, but what the heck is an Alpha Mom? Is a Soccer Mom similar to an Alpha Mom? Or is an Alpha Mom like a Hockey Mom? Where do people come up with these labels? I turned to Google for the answer.

According to the information I Googled, an Alpha Mom is a marketing buzz word describing the modern mom who is tech savvy, who is knowledgeable on the latest trends and who influences other moms, especially in terms how they spend their money. She is also a multi-tasker who works towards a goal of mommy excellence.

Well, I don’t think that definition describes me as a mom. I’m not very trendy in terms of fashion. I desperately need a hair cut and I haven’t had any fashion sense since I was a teenager. I’m kind of tech savvy. I’m addicted to Facebook, but I’m not a big fan of cellphones. It takes me five minutes to tap out a text message. That’s why I don’t text message. I've all but given up on Twitter as I have little interest or motivation in telling the whole world about what I am doing. If someone asks my opinion on a certain product or service, I’ll give it, but to actively influence my friends on the way they spend money, well, I don’t think I have any influence in that department.

Obviously I’m not an alpha mom. So what am I? Am I the opposite to the Alpha Mom? Am I a Beta Mom, the label given to moms who have laid back personalities, who don't have all that much financial influence over their peers and who revel in their relax approach to their parenting styles?

Good question. I think I'm in between. I’m just a rookie mom of one, who is trying to find her own parenting style, who tries to do her best, and is still trying to find my footing as a parent. Label or no label, I'm a parent. And being a parent isn't an easy task. I wish people would remember that when coming up with these marketing buzz words.

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