Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Internet is the new soap opera

Some of my mom friends came over last night and the conversation eventually turned to the routines of our days, specifically when it comes Internet.

I admit, I'm on the Internet a lot. I'm addicted to Facebook, I frequently check out the message boards of some mom groups I belong to. And sometimes I feel immense guilt when reading Dear Abby or the comment section of Globe and Mail as that I think I could be using this time playing with darling daughter, rather than be glued to a computer screen.

But it was nice to learn last night that I'm not the only one who is a frequent Internet user. And as one of my friends pointed out to us the Internet is what soap operas were to our mothers. Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Except for the odd episode of Bo on the Go and Busytown Mysteries, the television is rarely on in my house. About two months ago, I made the conscious decision to turn the on button off. Instead of television, the radio is constantly on. I can listen to it while I do things around the house and play with darling daughter.

However, the Internet is such a big distraction in my life. If someone makes a comment or sends me a message on Facebook (I can hear and see when I get email alerts as I am signed into MSN Messenger) I have to check my account. It is sad really. Earlier this year, I had a 12 hour Internet challenge. For 12 hours I didn't use the Internet. And it was hard. Really hard. Harder than giving up Diet Coke. (I have been Diet Coke-free for 10 days now). Obviously my Internet usage is an issue, but is an issue I am working on. I make a point of doing an out-of-house activity with darling daughter. Today, we went to the pool and an afternoon walk. I also made quiche. All of which were activities that didn't include me near a computer, which is a very good thing.

1 comment:

  1. I should be getting ready for bed, and here I am on the Internet... I feel your pain.
