Friday, August 28, 2009

Flat tire deflates big plans

This is what greeted me this morning. A flat tire.

My big plans that I had planned for today were immediately deflated. *Sigh*

Last week, one of my friends had offered me free child care for the day. I immediately took her up on her offer. With no darling daughter wobbling underneath my feet and getting into trouble, I could take the entire day to do some major cleaning and decluttering. I know this plan wasn't very exciting to some, but it was for me. My house needs a major cleaning.

So my friend and I had agreed on Thursday. Unfortunately for me, a warning light popped on the car dashboard late Wednesday night, which resulted in dear husband taking it into the dealership. Luckily it wasn't anything major. After making many frantic messages to my friend, explaining the situation, we decided to postpone child care until Friday.

I was excited. I was excited to clean my house and I was excited (and anxious) to see what a day away from darling daughter would be like. When I went to put her bag into the car, I saw the flat tire. I wanted to cry.

So now I am waiting for dear husband to come home and take it to a nearby tire shop. I'm wary of driving there myself with darling daughter in the car. I've never had to deal with a flat tire before. And quite honestly, they aren't a lot of fun.

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