Monday, August 10, 2009

It is time to stop the procrastination . . . here we come sippy cups!

Today was the day that I reacquainted darling daughter with the sippy cup.
This day was at least two months in the making. It has been pure laziness on my part that I haven't pursued the sippy cup issue further. Around May, I had given darling daughter a sippy cup a handful of times. Although the results were always mixed, there was always one constant: liquid all over the place. Since I was, and still am, breastfeeding, it was always easier putting darling daughter to the breast than to deal with leaking sippy cups. There is no fuss or muss with the breast. It is very convenient. It never leaks. But, I am coming to the realization that this child can't be breastfed to the age of five and will soon have to learn how to drink out of a cup.
So I rummaged and found the package of new sippy cups I bought almost two months ago, washed one and filled it with water. Darling daughter didn't know what to think when I placed it on the tray of her high chair. She banged it against the tray. She chewed on it. And she even dropped it on the floor. Finally, she started to suck on it. Although she has yet to get the hang of tipping the cup back far enough to get water, she has taken to the sippy cup with a vengeance even to the point that she cried hysterically when I took it away from her before dinner. But I may be deceiving myself as she has a strong affinity towards plastic containers. Today, she was thrilled to play with a large yogurt container. Really, I don't know why I buy toys.
So dear readers, I may be on the verge of freedom: the freedom to be away from the house for more than four hours without worrying if darling daughter requires a feed. Despite the tiny puddles of water left on the floor that darling daughter created while practicing her sippy cup technique, these tiny plastic cups represent liberty and freedom in my world. So bring on the sippy cups! Darling daughter has a lot of practicing to do.
Copyright 2009 -- Valerie McLaughlin -- All rights reserved

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