Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Really?!? Newborn babies are actually that small?

I saw a newborn baby over the weekend. Bundled in her car seat, I stared at her in awe. Babies are actually that small? Can't be, but here I was, staring at a newborn baby who weighed less than nine pounds.

I vaguely remember darling daughter being that small. I know once she weighed less than nine pounds. I do have photographs to prove it. If I delve deep into my memory banks, I can remember changing her tiny diapers (size one) and clothing her in size zero to three month onesies. These days, she is wearing size four diapers and size 18 month onesies.

Meeting that newborn babies brought back a flood of memories. I can tell you exactly what I was doing during the last week of July 2008. I went to the hospital one day because darling daughter hadn't moved within a two hour period and no amount of orange juice I sucked back changed provoked a kick. (Ironically, she did give me a kick as soon as dear husband pulled into the hospital parking lot). That night I watched Die Hard 2 because I couldn't sleep. Less than 30 hours later, my water broke. I soon found myself at the hospital, faced at the reality that I would give birth. I remembered getting the IV inserted into my hand for the induction. (Honestly, I think that hurt more than the actual birth). I have hazy memories when getting the epidural, but I do remember the sweet relief afterwards, and thanking the anesthesiologist profusely. I remember pushing for two hours and falling asleep between contractions. (I'd wake up when it was time to push, telling my labour and delivery nurse and doula, "okay ladies, it is time to push."). I remember the doctor giving us a verbal disclaimer before using the vacuum to get darling daughter out. I also remember the doctor yelling at me "Yes, you can" when I told her I was too tired to push anymore. I remember darling daughter being born and shouting at dear husband to make sure she was okay. I remember trying to get some sleep at the hospital, but not getting any. And I remember introducing darling daughter to my side of the family.

Yes, those memories are still very vivid and real in my memory, however, I can't really recall darling daughter's newborn days with such clarity. I was too sleep deprived and physically tired to enjoy it. Sleep, which eluded me for most of my pregnancy, returned and when I wasn't caring to darling daughter's needs, I wanted to sleep. Looking back at darling daughter's first photos, I can't believe she was that small.

So here I am, one year later, a mother to a one year old. I can't believe how fast time has flown. Apparently the second year flies by even faster. I better prepare myself for the next ride.

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