Monday, August 17, 2009

Willpower? What the hell is that?

I'm having a bad day.

The household chores are piling up and I can't seem to get on top of them. Darling daughter got up before 6 a.m. this morning and has been in a nasty mood ever since. I've got sand all over my bedroom floor after sorting through our wet bathing suits we used at the beach yesterday. I've got a withdrawal headache as I'm currently swearing off diet coke. And now I've got a big piece of chocolate cake calling my name.

Yeah, it is just one of those days.

I should know better than to have chocolate cake in the house. Once upon a time when I worked outside of the house, I used to brown bag my lunch and I rarely ventured out of the office to indulge in a treat. But since I'm home 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it is just so darn easy to indulge in items that I shouldn't indulge in and that includes chocolate cake.

Oh, I won't lie. I have already had a bite or two of cake this morning, but it is now lunchtime, I still have a headache and eating a piece of chocolate cake would be a great pick me up. I'm trying to rely on my willpower, but I can't find it. It must of ran away with my motivation last week.

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, tired, suffering from a headache and to dive into the remainder of dear husband's birthday cake. It is a no win-win situation. It would be wasteful for me to throw the cake out and it would be counterproductive of me to eat it as I have absolutely no motivation to go to the gym. So if my will power is reading this post, do you think you could return home? And if you see my motivation, do you think you can drag it home too? I really miss you guys.

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