Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day toddler style

Sometimes you just can't relive good times, despite how good that first experience was.

Today, we packed up the Step 2 wagon with food, water, toys, sunscreen, a blanket and other miscellaneous items and headed to a local park for Canada Day celebrations. Last year we had a great time. But the difference from last year to this year is that we had a 11 month old baby last Canada Day. Now our baby with a walking, talking almost two-year-old who has a whole mind of her own.

Last year, we spent the afternoon watching live entertainment on a large hill, soaking up the sun. Darling daughter spent most of her time in the stroller. This year we tried to do the same, but sans stroller. She is very anti-stroller these days as she spends most of her time in the wagon.

I must say that darling daughter was so sweet and so good during our outing. She was dancing to the songs being sung during the sound check. She was waving her Canada flag. She was laughing, She was smiling. But she is a toddler and as such she is a very curious being. Staying on the picnic blanket and enjoying the sun wasn't her idea of fun. She wanted to dance, she wanted to walk and, more importantly, she wanted to explore.

Dear husband took her exploring twice. On one of their adventures they ran in a nearby field so she could blow off steam. When they returned from their second adventure, dear husband looked tired. Darling daughter on the other hand was raring to go, ready for another exploration trip. That's when we decided to head home. The idea that both me and dear husband had of reliving last year's fun, but relaxing experience had come to an end. We realize next year that there is no way we will spending most of our time on a picnic blanket, enjoying live music and sun. We'll be hitting up the midway or the splash pad, instead. I know one day we will get to enjoy Canada Day on a picnic blanket, but it will likely be years from now. And that's fine by me. Today was a good reminder that you got to roll what your toddler wants to do.

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