Friday, July 30, 2010

There is a reason why toddlers shouldn't wear white

Darling daughter was wearing this exact outfit when it happened: the soft cotton halter top lovingly hand knitted by me and white tights. It took two weeks for me to finish that halter top. After I was done I wanted to complete my vision of what the outfit must look like with white tights. After searching one day and coming up with nothing, I went back to searching the following day. That search party took me across the city and into an east end mall where I luckily spotted the last pair of white tights at a Children's Place store. And the clothing gods had blessed me as they were a size 24 months. Sweet!

Yesterday, we visited my grandmother. My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was nine. As my grandmother and a fellow knitter, I knew she'd appreciate my work. Darling daughter looked so cute in it. But a couple of hours later, I saw a dark spot on the bottom of her tights. I had my fingers crossed that it was black piece of fluff, but I knew my luck had likely come to the end of the road in the toddlers-wearing-white department.

I won't get into the gross details, but lets just say I had to deal with a blueberry poop explosion. I wasn't impressed that day of all days when she is wearing white tights that she'd just let it go. I swear that my kid and stains attract each other. Doesn't matter what she is wearing, what she is doing or where she is, in all likelihood she'll stain her clothes. I should start buying shares in OxyClean.

Determined to keep the tights white and stain-free, I quickly went to work with the materials on hand. Soap did nothing, so I was forced to get out a bit of bleach. Once we got home, I sprayed them (well, more like doused them) with OxyClean. Right now, I'm hoping for the best.

The moral of the story is that no matter how hard you try or hope, white tights will likely not stay white for long.