Monday, July 5, 2010

Too hot to blog

Is it fall yet?

I'm sitting in my living room with the lights off. I should really turn up (or is it down) the air conditioner to cool off the house a bit more, but I'm too lazy to get off my chair. After going to the park this morning (and it was H-O-T) and finishing lunch, I'm ready for a siesta. But I'm covered in sunscreen and sand so I really should take a quick shower and sweep up the sand we trekked into the house.

I think the heat is doing something to my brain. I fell off the park bench this morning because I thought there was more seat than there actually was. I've got a bit of a headache and I can't come up with anything remotely witty to blog about. Luckily my brain is allowing me to string together some half decent logical sentences together.

I realize it is summer, but I'm not a fan of heat waves. I'm not too sure what we'll be doing this afternoon. It may be just too hot to play outside. So keep cool, dear readers. Do whatever you have to do to keep cool, even if that means heading to the mall. Tomorrow is going to be hot, too. *Sigh* Come February I'll be dreaming about this weather, but now I'm cursing it.

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