Tuesday, July 20, 2010

For those who are having earwig issues, this post is for you!

Since last week's central air fiasco that cost me a $216.53 repair bill, it has been all out war on earwigs. I'm unsure if the war is being won, because I've seen a lot less of them since I discovered about 10 to 15 of them living under my deep freezer. (So, so gross when I discovered them. Luckily, I was wearing my sandals and I started stomping. Ugh. So gross).

Well, I'm not alone in my hatred of them. I posted a thread on a local online moms group I belong to and I got several responses in regards to possible elimination solutions.

*Avon Skin-so-Soft. Apparently the little buggers don't like it. Spray around entrance ways as a way to deter unwanted house guests.

* Mix sugar, Borax and water in a spray bottle and start spraying in areas where you suspect earwigs.

* Beer traps. No one likes wasting premium beer on earwigs, so buy the cheap stuff. Dig small holes in your garden and place a container of beer. Like bees to honey, you will attract earwigs. To make even more elaborate traps, use veggie and soup cans. Remember to leave the labels on to help the earwigs get a better grip. Better yet, use a plastic container with a lid. Cut horizontal slits about one inch from the bottom and about one-eighth of an inch wide and fill with oil.

* Line entrance ways (example: door entrances, window panes) with dish soap. In the morning, prepare to spray your front steps clear with your water hose of dead earwigs.

* Oregano is reportedly to work to deter earwigs. Sprinkle in areas where earwigs are known to frequent.

* And of course, my all-time favourite remedy: the bottom of your shoe.


  1. I find it strange that you (and so many others) are having earwig issues this year and I have literally seen three all summer! Normally there are lots around here in my gardens, but hardly any this year yet just about everyone else I talk to is over run with this! I guess I shouldn't complain, they are icky little creatures!

  2. Lucky! My mom and aunt have had horrible experiences with them this year. My aunt says she came home one night and they had covered one side of the house. My uncle had to spray them with a water hose. So gross.
