Thursday, July 15, 2010

How one earwig cost me $216.53

The following is a true story how one measly earwig cost me $216.53.

Yesterday, I found the house hot, very hot. It wasn't until 5:30 p.m. when I discovered the fan was on, but the central air unit wasn't. In the heat, my tolerance level is zilch, especially in the light of the fact we spent a fair bit a money two months ago in replacing our central air with a new unit. The breaker wasn't tripped, so we decided to call in a repair man.

At this point, I took my livid and angry self outside (where I discovered to my chagrin that it was much cooler outside than in my house) into the air condition glory of my Matrix and drove to an appointment. By this time, dear husband had called the heating and cooling company. The technician told him the call would be free if it was a technical issue. But we'd have to pay if, let's say, an earwig had clogged one one the parts.

When dear husband told me this little gem of information over the phone while I was waiting for my appointment to start, my livid and angry levels increased ten fold. Instantly, I knew it wasn't a technical problem. I 99.9 per cent knew that an earwig had did something and we'd be forking over some serious cash to get this problem fix. For the last week I've launched a full-on attack on earwigs. Usually, to keep my karma in check, I will go out of my way to shoo flies, ants and spiders out of the house. Not earwigs. I've got absolutely no love for earwigs. They usually meet the bottom of my shoe before I clean up their remains and flush them down the toilet. In my experience, never turn your back on an earwig. Those damn things come back to life. Always flush them down the toilet to ensure they are dead.

The other night I killed six of them with a construction level. (It was the only thing that I had handy at the time when I encountered them). Perhaps, that's when karma decided to kick me in the butt. Perhaps one of their brothers or sisters decided to seek its revenge on me by crawling into the contractor coil and clogging it. It must have been a kamikaze earwig as it died in the process.

So now it is all out war. No sympathy whatsoever will be given to any earwig that crosses my path. It will definitely meet the end of my shoe. Due to Ontario's pesticide ban, my options are limited in getting rid of the suckers. According to the nice staff member I encountered at the Home Depot, beer can help. Apparently the little buggers love beer. But it in a container with a lid resting on top of it, the earwigs will go in for the bait (beer) and drown in the process.

My aunt, who is having problems with earwigs, says spraying a solution of soapy water can help deter and kill them. At this point, I'm willing to give anything a try because my foot can't be everywhere in squashing them.

Yes, I may sound cruel. One may argue, they are just earwigs. They harm no one. However, they are damn gross and I can't have them in my house. Plus, one of them cost me a $216.53. And unless they want to reimburse me for the repair bill I now have, the war will continue.


  1. Ooooh gosh I hear you - earwigs are the bane of my existence and I too have a zero tolerance policy. Sorry to hear you were having a bad day, hope things are better!

  2. Oh my - can I relate to this!! I too live in the west end of Ottawa. After talking to a few people, I am relieved that I'm not the only one having problems with these miserable pests.

    My laundry room in the basement suddenly seemed to be recently overtaken by these critters. I had to wash absolutely everything. I often line dry clothes in the basement, but there were snuggling in my clean cloths. I'm afraid to line dry clothes outside because I don't want to end up bringing earwigs in the house from outside. I thought that they were confined to the laundry room, but oh no - i then found them in the TV room. I must have killed a dozen. That was it - it was/is war. I set traps with beer & soap at both ends of the basement. Now, every morning and evening I go down with a shoe, Fantastik (kills them), and papertowel. The situation is better, but everyday I find at least least a few. I just can't figure out how they are getting in the house! It's a townhouse for crying out loud! There are only 2 points of entry - which I have spraid with Raid but they still seem to find a way in.
    Frustrated beyond belief!
