Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Boob tube woes

Darling daughter and I have been watching way too much television. Too much for my liking.

I blame it on a couple of factors. January blahs. I'm a bit too lazy at the moment to leave the house so we are frequently turning to television for entertainment. It has become a bad habit. An hour of CBC Kids has turned into two hours and even three hours some days. Yep, it is bad all around. Lately, I have found myself surfing my many television channels after lunch time to see what is on. And I dislike daytime television too. I blame it on winter.

Reason number two: darling daughter's new trick of turning on the television. To curb our television watching, I try very hard (well, maybe not hard enough or I wouldn't be facing this situation) to turn off the television. But darling daughter will have none of it. She'll turn it on. We now play a game where I'll turn off the television with the remote and she'll turn it back on manually. Sometimes I give in as it is a distraction from her climbing and walking on the furniture, which is also becoming a bad habit.

Reason number three: January blahs. Oh yeah, I already covered that.

I'm not too sure how to get out of television habit. If I had my way, we'd have basic cable. Growing up, I only had three channels to choose from: CTV, CBC and TVO. We we moved up the road, I was excited because we had four channels to choose from. I had a conversation with a friend this morning (yep, the television was on at the time) about how my television consumption has increased in the last month. I felt a little bit better to learn that I wasn't alone and she was facing a similar issue. It kind of relieved my guilt. I don't think I will be breaking my habit any time soon. The Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games are starting in mid-February and we will likely be watching. And as a proud Canadian, it would be unpatriotic for me not to watch and cheer on my fellow Canadians. Well, that is the reason I am telling myself. Now, if I could just come up with a similar excuse for the situation I currently face. . . .

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