Monday, January 25, 2010

Halfway to three

A random thought popped into my head yesterday: darling daughter is halfway to the age of three. She will be 18 months soon, which is mind boggling when I actually sit down and think about it. It just seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital, staring at her in her bassinet, not quite sure what to do next. Then there were the first seven weeks where she didn't sleep through the night and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert became my best friends while I tried to grasp hard onto my remaining sanity.

And after that, it is basically a blur. First time rolling over, first Christmas, first teeth, first solids, first Easter, finally sitting up, babbling, army crawl morphing into an actual proper crawl, first steps, full fledged walking have all happened in the last 18 months. She is officially out of babyhood. She has been for awhile, but this 18 month "milestone" marks the fact that she is a toddler. And a stubborn toddler she is. If she doesn't like something or feels like she is being wronged, she vocally tells us about it. She is now going through a no clothes phase. No sleeves and no pants, please. Those types of phases don't affect babies. These are actions of a toddler.

So if the last 18 months are gone in a flash, I can only assume that the next 18 months will go as quickly or even quicker. And in no time at all, I'll have a three year old on my hands, who in all likelihood be charming, sweet, demanding and mischievous. Mind boggling when I think about it.

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