Saturday, January 2, 2010

The January Blahs

There is no doubt about it, January is a blah month.

Poor January. It can't live up to the expectations of December, filled with Christmas cheer, holiday parties, weeks of vacation for the both young and old and of course, presents. Sure, a new year starts on January 1, but most people are holed up in their houses taking down Christmas decorations, coping with a fuzzy head from the night before or bracing themselves for the credit card statement that will arrive any day now to really enjoy New Year's Day.

And after the decorations are put away, the outdoor Christmas lights are turned off and the credit card statements arrive, people hunker down and wait for spring to arrive. Yep, there is no doubt about it, January has arrived.

I find this time of year to be sad. It is sad when you have to pack away Christmas decorations. It is sad when people turn off their outside Christmas lights as the winter darkness seems a wee bit more darker. It is sad when family visiting for the holidays leave for home. The Christmas cheer and holiday plans that you had been basking in for the last several weeks have vanished and come to an abrupt end. Although the eggnog is on sale at the grocery store at discount prices, there are no more holiday movies or specials to watch on the CBC when sipping eggnog out of your reindeer punch bowl glasses. The way I look at it, only four more weeks until February arrives, the shortest month of the year. Until then, I'll be hunkered down, knitting, waiting for winter to end.

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