Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gotta run . . . update number five

There are some things in life that are good for me, but I don't like doing. I place lunges and hill running in that category.

I hate lunges. Hate them. But they are good for me. Although it has taken several years, I have developed an appreciation for them and what they do for my butt.

But hill running. Ugh. I'm not too sure at his point that I can develop an appreciation for hill running.

Until I started running outside, I didn't realize how big the hills in actually are in my neighbourhood. When I encounter a hill while driving, I step on the gas pedal. I can't do that I'm running as I rely on my own two feet and endurance to get myself up the hill.

In the last couple of weeks, I have been running mainly one particular route and it involves a large, windy hill that I consider fairly steep. For the last week, I've "cheated" by running down the hill, not up it. (However, I have to run up a hill on the way back). Yesterday, I decided I would run up said hill and if I had to walk when I reached the top, then that was okay.

As I've written before, a big portion of running is succeeding at mental game that plays out in your head. Yes, I want to stop, but can I take one more step? Can I take another step? And one more after that? Turning the corner towards the hill, I started to worry if I could even get to the bottom of the hill, never mind run up it. But once I reached the hill and started my ascent, I started running small steps. Once I reached the top, I kept on running. Although I did want to stop, I wouldn't let myself because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to start running again. I finished the course without one walking break. Pretty good

C, my friend and running coach, enjoys hill running as it builds endurance. She says that she didn't like it at first, but she now appreciates it. I personally think hill running is an acquired taste, one that I have yet to acquire.

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