Friday, April 9, 2010

Things I would tell my toddler self

As darling daughter exerts her personality and independence, I ask myself why is she in a hurry to grow up? Obviously, she is growing and wants to explore the environment and world around her. But I'm in no hurry for this stage to pass. Time is flying by and one day soon she will be a teenager, asking for the car keys. In less than four months she will be turning two. She's starting to string two words together. Lately, she has been squawking, wanting out of her stroller. She tries to "help" me fold clothes (not much folding goes on). Saying the word no to her is unacceptable. (However, she has no qualms telling me or dear husband no while flailing her arms to make her point clearer).

Yesterday, we went to a local museum. When I was changing darling daughter, she was putting up a fuss. Sympathetic, I remarked, "Yes, I know that it is hard being 20 months." While my remark may sound cynical, half of me is being truthful. As an adult, it is hard to imagine how big the world around must look like if you are a toddler. Obviously, they must feel frustration and confusion when trying to communicate with adults, especially when they're just learning how to string two words together.

But at the same time, I am being a bit cynical. From my point of view, the life of a toddler looks pretty darn good. And I don't think I'm the only mother in the world who feels like that. While I was changing darling daughter, a mom who I spotted in the cafeteria earlier, was washing her hands at the sink and she overheard my comment. She smiled and said that she has told her husband that she wants to be pushed around in an oversized Chariot and eat snacks that have been prepared by someone else. I laughed and replied that sounded like a great idea.

Watching darling daughter hit the toddler years, I wonder to myself, did I truly appreciate my toddler years? And what would I tell my toddler self now?

Perhaps I would address the following points with my toddler self:

* Sit and relax in the stroller. Don't be in a rush to get out. Soon enough you'll be too big for it. Plus, isn't it nice to have someone push you around?

* The food and snacks Mom makes for you is made with love. Please be respectful and not chuck it on the floor.

* Don't be in a rush to help with household chores such as laundry and dusting. Believe you me, there will be lots of time for that.

* No doubt about it, teething is a pain.

* Naps are good. You may not think so now, but have at least one nap a day. When you are older, you'll be wishing you can find time to nap.

* Vegetables are good for you, even broccoli.

* No is not a bad word. Sometimes it needs to be said.

* Bibs are a proactive way to avoid stains.

* And don't be a hurry to grow up. I realize the world around you is a place that needs to be explored, but soon enough you'll be an adult and dealing with adult issues. Take this time to enjoy your toddlerhood as you'll only be a toddler once in your life. And enjoy the ride, especially the ride in the stroller. One day, you may find yourself pushing one.

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