Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love of chocolate must be a genetic thing

I learned something about darling daughter this morning: she loves chocolate.

For Easter, I filled plastic eggs with goodies such as toddler gummies, puffy snacks and M&Ms for an Easter egg hunt. This is the first time we have willingly given darling daughter chocolate. During the hunt, M&Ms spilled onto the floor after darling daughter threw one of the plastic eggs. Looking at the mess she created, she gingerly picked up a M&M off the floor, popped it into her mouth and she was instantly hooked. She no longer wanted to hunt for Easter eggs. She wanted to eat chocolate.

It took some cajoling on our parts to get darling daughter to resume the fun. At one point, I had to place some of her new found stash on the tray of her booster seat so she could have a wee bit of a taste of her goodies while she continued to hunt for eggs. Once the goodies were all gone, she wanted more chocolate. Facing the prospect of a hyper toddler on a sugar high, I had to put my foot down, which resulted in tears. Fortunately, some toddler gummies helped to sooth over hard feelings.

So darling daughter has a sweet tooth just like her momma. It must be genetic.

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