Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gotta run . . . update number four

Twenty five runs.

That's what it has taken for me to run 5k. I ran 5k straight, outside, with no walking breaks on Tuesday evening with my friend T. At first, I had no inclination that would run 5k, but I did. T is a true competitor spirit and I knew she wouldn't stop for walking breaks. So we ran. The last leg of the route was the hardest, but I pushed through and made it. We finished in 32 minutes.

The question then became: can I run alone without taking a walking break?

When I run alone, I push myself by asking myself if I can get to the next intersection, the mailbox off in the distance or to the hill. But sometimes I just stop for a walking break. The other day, running coach and friend, C, asked me why I stop for breaks. Good question. I'm not too sure if it is because I need it or I think I need to stop. But sometimes I feel like walking breaks aren't a good thing. Yes, I think I want that break, but if I take that break it will be harder to start running again. Perhaps it is just better for me to push through and keep on running.

So yesterday, I ran alone. I didn't think I'd finish without a walking break because I had ran the last two days. After tying my running shoes and walking to the starting point, I started to run.

I got to the first intersection, then the second and third. I ran past the mailbox and the intersection near the elementary school. I changed the route by making a left onto a long drive that is a part of my route. Instead of running up the big hill, I ran down it. However, I had to run up another hill (you don't realize how big hills actually are until you are running) on the way back. I wanted to take a walking break after I made it down that big hill, but I kept pushing forward. Once I made the last turn towards the finish line, I kept on going. I even picked up the pace. With my heart beating and my lungs crying out for air, I finished in 39 minutes. Although I'm not too concerned with time at this point, I should point out this route is a bit longer than Tuesday's route. According to the odometer of my car, it is 5.2 kilometres, while Gmaps Pedometer measures out the route at 5.4 kilometers. I'll happily take the Gmaps measurements as the official distance.

I'm not too sure where I go from here when it comes to running. Heck yes, I'm going to keep on running, but I'm not too sure if I should work on time or start slowly increasing distance. But I do know that running is addictive and my feet are starting to look forward to the quality time it spends with the pavement. I haven't ran on a treadmill in more than a week and I'm not too sure if I can go back to running on a droning machine. It's weird how things can change.


  1. Way to go! When is the 5k run your running in?

  2. Thanks ladies. I run in a physio association run next Sunday and I'm running in the Ottawa Race weekend's 5k at the end of May.

  3. wow!! that is awesome! congrats on your amazing feat :)
