Thursday, April 22, 2010

Taking a ride on the crazy train

I think the parenting gods are unhappy with me, and as such, have cursed me to only get five hours of sleep at night. I hope the curse soon lifts as my face feels numb. It always feels numb when I don't get enough sleep.

Darling daughter hasn't been sleeping well since Saturday night, the night before I ran my official 5k race. I wasn't surprised. It is some kind of weird parenting law of physics that if I have somewhere or to do something important the next day, darling daughter won't sleep well that night.

Since Saturday night, the quality of sleep that everyone is getting in this household has rapidly diminished. I had to sleep on her floor on Sunday night because she was unable to sleep without anyone in the room with her. We had an okay night the next night. When I mean okay, I mean that no one had to sleep on her floor. The next night, dear husband had to sleep on her floor because she couldn't sleep. Luckily, no one had to sleep on her floor last night. But if the pattern continues, I'll be pulling a twin size mattress into her room tonight and be kept awake by every sniffle, snore, toss and turn made by darling daughter.

As such, darling daughter hasn't gotten any quality sleep in five nights. However, lack of sleep hasn't inhibited her energy levels or the fact she still insists on getting up at 6:15 a.m. in the morning. Six fifteen comes early, especially when your head finally hits the pillow around 1 a.m. after spending some time trying to quiet a restless child.

So to the parenting gods: could you please lift my curse? I'd love to get more than five hours of sleep. And I would also love to feel my face again.

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