Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A yummy solution for sour blueberries

I want to thank my friend J for this great suggestion when it comes to dealing with sour blueberries.

Over the weekend, dear husband bought several pints of blueberries. When I went to wash some for darling daughter for a snack, I discovered one of the pints were sour as old heck. This is not the first time this has happened. I've tried to bake with sour blueberries in the past, but I've have had little success.

With the possibility of six pints of sour blueberries hitting the garbage bin, I cringed. But what else could I do with them? I turned to Facebook and asked my peeps.

Suggestions given to me included making pancakes, jam and using them in hot cereal. Other than the jam, I was hesitant to bake or eat them due to their sourness, until J suggested cooking them with maple syrup.

And here what I did. I weighed out 400 grams of blueberries (as it turns out only one of the pints were sour), dumped them into a sauce pan and added 300 millilitres of maple syrup. Brought it to a boil, before letting the mixture simmer on the stove. While it was simmering, I used a potato masher to mash the berries. I cooked it for 30 minutes until it was basically a purple mess. I immediately poured the mixture into a container, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator.

And it worked! The maple syrup covered the sourness of the blueberries. However, the mixture is too messy and runny to use as a pie filling, but it would be good on pancakes, French toast and on cheese cake. Now I just have to make a cheese cake to go with the blueberry goop. Yum!

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