Monday, May 17, 2010

Gotta run . . . update number seven

When I was huffing and puffing while running in the hot sun yesterday morning, a verse from Dr. Seuss's classic book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish suddenly popped into my head.

. . . They run for fun
in the hot, hot sun.
Oh me! Oh my!
Oh me! Oh my!
What a lot
of funny things go by.

Even before I took the first step, I knew the run would be challenging. Me and my friend and running coach, C, decided to embark on a 9k run along the Rideau Canal in the sun. As a runner, the sun is not my friend. I like overcast, cool weather to run in, not sunny and hot weather. Thank God for the occasional shady path and cool breeze.

And we weren't the only ones who were running in the hot, hot sun. Several groups of Running Room runners huffed and puffed as they passed us, running in the opposite direction. At least I didn't feel like I was alone in my suffering.

About 6k into our run, I had to stop for a walking break. I had enough. Screw running slowly, my body screamed at me. I need to walk! It was a bit disappointing. However, the last time I ran 9k straight, it was about 10 degrees Celsius and overcast, not 22 degrees and sunny.

But even in my gloom, there was a sunny spot in my run. Despite a five to 10 minute walking break, I finished the run in 1 hour and three minutes. My previous 9k time (technically it was 9.2k) was 1 hour and five minutes. Despite the sun, I was running at a faster pace. After making it back to the car and downing a full bottle of water, I came away with a couple of lessons: I can run in sun. I can keep pace in the sun. It gets hot at 9 a.m. And I really need a water belt. But the question remains: who likes to run in the hot, hot sun for fun? Not me, that's for sure.

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